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Men's department vision

It is only by being divinely led and inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, through our belief and faith in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ; can the men of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Aston be effective in carrying out our duties. Our aspiration is that every man within the church develops a personal relationship with God, understanding his purpose and responsibilities so he can work diligently to edify the kingdom of God.


Over recent years, God has blessed the men’s department at COGIC Aston and we are able to testify of significant growth, having extending the right-hand of fellowship to many brothers during this time. The move of the Lord in Aston is evident by a thriving men’s ministry, which is building upon previous good work and taking the department to the next level.

The men have been active in working towards Reverend David Henry’s vision for both our department and the wider church. In particular, the men have focused on ways to develop our boys and support single mothers.

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